Videos of our Events marking the 50th Anniversary Year
20 December 2021

To mark the June 15th 2010 British Government “Apology” for Bloody Sunday delivered by former Conservative Prime Minister, David Cameron we repost our dramatic elaboration on its consequences, had it been genuine, to underscore how far his words fell short of justice. It was first played at the rally in Derry’s Guildhall Square ending our 2015 March For Justice. It played on a large screen in the same location were Cameron’s address was televised five years earlier, to Derry and the wider world.
N.B. You will find links to VIDEOS of all our events marking the 50th Anniversary Year within the relevant event page below. Just click on the event and you will find the recording there.
Further… videos of previous year’s events are available in the Archive menu currently being gradually added to, to provide as comprehensive a record of our past events as we can assemble.