“We Were There” – Click to Register
Were you at the original Bloody Sunday March in 1972? Click the link above to join us in marking the 50th Anniversary.

The Tory government’s recent raft of proposals to introduce a Statute of Limitations on all conflict related deaths is simply a thinly disguised amnesty for its soldiers and effectively represents nothing but the same old story.

Their top priority is to get their soldiers off scot-free. They have had to include the other combatant organisations in their plans in order to give an appearance of even-handedness. But their real intent is clear from their constant references to “vexatious” prosecutions of former soldiers. Never a mention of the vexatious prosecution of civilians. 

The Guildford Four, the Birmingham Six etc. Were those prosecutions not vexatious? Likewise, for scores, if not hundreds, of prosecutions in the North which have turned out to have been frame-ups. Were these not “vexatious?” 

British Governments down through the years have stood by those who killed in their service. From Malaya to Iraq to Afghanistan. What’s happening now in the North is just the Empire coming home.

Organisations like the IRA, UVF and UDA have also a lot to answer for. They all killed innocent people and then lied about it. But they didn’t go out to murder on behalf of the State. Many of them may have been manipulated by the State in the service of that State but they didn’t represent the State. 

In contrast, Soldier F and other soldiers involved in killing innocent people were agents of the British State. They didn’t decide on their own to gun people down. They understood that this is what was expected of them. It was the Government of the day of which Brandon Lewis is now the chief representative in the North which gave the go-ahead for killing and then covered up afterwards.

We can see soldier F is being thrown to the wolves. He deserves it. But the rest of the wolf-pack is being allowed to slink away from the scene of the crime, not a bother on them. 

Those who march with us on January 30th will be marching to raise a collective voice against this outrage!


We shouldn’t let this happen. We shouldn’t accept just a tiny fraction of the truth. 

What message would that send to the families of the victims of the Ballymurphy massacre, and of all of the other innocent people gunned down by State forces over the course of the Troubles?

The demand of the Bloody Sunday campaign for almost half a century has not been for a bit of the truth or the truth in dribs and drabs, but for the whole truth and nothing but the truth.

The reason why we will be marching again on the anniversary of Bloody Sunday in January 2022 is precisely to make this point. The families of innocent victims can’t call it quits on the basis of a scheme drawn up by the British Government with the primary purpose of getting their soldiers off the hook.

By continuing to march, we have shown that they won’t be allowed to shoot us off the streets with impunity. We won’t allow them to con us or sweet-talk us from continuing to demand truth and justice.

So we are asking you to join us in Derry on Sunday, 30th January 2022 to raise your voice in protest at what they are trying to force through.  We won’t accept it!  And the many thousands of families of all the dead and injured from across these islands resulting from the conflict over the decades deserve nothing less.

BSMC Marks 50 Years Of Struggle

This is our official fund raising badge symbolic of how we operate. It allows us to cover our expenses through many gifts from our supporters so that no one has control of what truths we want to expose.

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